This was our first Christmas together as a newly married couple! We even
got our first real Christmas tree this year, and it was very beautiful

if I must say so myself. This has been an amazing year filled with an abundance of blessings. Our beautiful wedding was in May, an incredible honeymoon in Jamaica, Aaron and I have both started new jobs this year, we became members at Sojourn Community Church, and many great memories with family and friends. Aaron was also recently diagnosed with MS, multiple sclerosis, a few weeks ago. Even though it was a definate surprise to both of us, we feel blessed that is is a very early diagnosis and there are many good treatments for MS. We are so grateful to have so many loved ones supporting us through love and prayers. We know God has many wonderful things in store for us and this is just another stepping stone in our faith and our testimony. It has been a phenomenal year and we are excited to see where He leads us in 2008. God bless!
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