Wednesday, April 25, 2007

OnE MoNtH aWaY!!

30 days until the BIG Wedding Day!!! We can hardly wait and are anxious as the day is nearing! We are so excited for both of our families to finally meet eachother and share this joyous occasion together with us :)

What a huge blessing! We ask for continuous prayer while we are still preparing for this sacred thing called marriage. Thank you for everyones' love and support!


ishankster said...

Hey ya'll! How exciting is this time! I guess I can say I know from experience that it is pretty exciting. We are down to two weeks from tomorrow so it's getting close! Anyway, I am happy for you guys! Also, just curious, we are having a reception in Elkhart on june 23rd and would love if you could make it. You don't have to rsvp right now or anything but maybe mark it on your calendar and think about it! ok...blessings...ian