Sunday, April 01, 2007

New Journey Together

Our new journey Aaron and I are preparing for marriage with only 53 days to go....we are both so anxious & excited to start a new chapter in our lives...We took our photographer, Don Dornick to The Grand, so he could figure out lighting and good spots to take pictures. We found this awesome spot right down the street. It's right next to the river with lots of open green fields and cool railroad tracks. The picture to the right is a practice run of one of our pictures for the big day, but as I look at it, I see us as one. Aaron is the most amazing man I have ever met and feel so incredibly blessed to have him lead me down this straight, yet long & curvy pathway of life. I knew from the day that I met Aaron, that God had sent him to complete me here on this earth. I am forever grateful for his unconditional love, kindness, patience, honesty, and definately his fun-loving spirit. He is always making me laugh and ever reminding me that life is a journey of fun. He has also taught me what it is to pursue his passion and love for the Lord. I am so blessed to have this man as my husband-to-be and can not wait to be united as one together with God. We are starting our own little family together and hopefully through the years it won't be so little anymore :)


Nichole said...

I am the luckiest man alive. No question.

Dawn Coleman said...

You guys will have so much fun being married! Cherish this time because life will never be as uncomplicated as it is now! I hope your first few months and years as newleyweds are as memorable as they were for us. Laugh at each other and yourselves a lot, it helps. Also remember that life is an adventure in forgivenesss!