Sunday, October 29, 2006

2 Of The Lame Excuses For Not Starting To Blog - And The One Word That SMASHES Them All!!!

Lame Excuse #1 We Dont Have The Time.
Do you ever write emails to all of your friends and family and sometimes even attach some pictures? It will take you the same amount of time, PLUS it will be permanent for everyone to enjoy for years to come, instead of getting lost in an email box.

Lame Excuse #2 Its too Hard.
Not True! Ready for me to prove it? Click here and FOLLOW the Instructions! It's EASY. If you get stuck call me and I will walk you through (502) 533-8353

The One Word That SMASHES Them All!!!
Connection. If you havent noticed yet we live in a pretty fast paced society where families are all over the map. It is extremely important that we maintain a connection or time will zip past and we will miss out.

This was inspired by the Coleman Family's beautful and heart warming blog.
