Sunday, March 09, 2008

Sledding with Sojourn Small Group

We got over a foot of snow this weekend, which is a ton for Louisville. Church service was cancelled this morning so we went sledding with our Sojourn small group. Who needs sleds when you have hampers and storage bin lids!! It was a blast!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


Anonymous said...

Nice pics - I love the before "hands down" and after "hands up" photos - very funny! Thanks for coming and posting the pics so fast!

Valerie said...

I loved the video! My favorite part was Nichole at the end! :)

The Crummy Chronicles said...

I'm friends with the Dageforde family (I used to babysit Sean) and I think they told me that Leigh Ann is marrying a guy that goes to sojourn? Ring a bell?
